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Biology Tutorials in Prep for EOC in May  

Students were sent home a letter informing the parent of their selection for tutorials in aid in focusing on the Biology reporting catergories tested in the EOC test in May. Students are encouraged to attend tutorials every monday and wednesday starting Feb. 8th. Even if the student was not selected for tutorials based on data analysis from the January 2016 benchmark, he/she is more than welcomed to attend as well. Please contact me if you should have any questions or concerns.  *See letter in Class Forms tab 

Announcement Image for Biology Tutorials in Prep for EOC in May

PreAP Biology Entry Assignment 2019  

This year's Pre-AP Biology Entry Assignment can be found under the "Class Forms" section of my webpage. Feel Free to Email me with any questions and/or concerns

Announcement Image for PreAP Biology Entry Assignment 2019

Missing Assignments  

*Please note: when looking at your grades in the gradebook, a zero has the possibility to stand for one of two things:

1.  A "missing" assignment- You have not completed this assignment due to an absence in class

2.  That was the grade you were awarded due to performance on the specific task.

*See me whenever you have a question about your grades. . . I can't possibly be that scary :)

Biology 2nd Semester Projects  

Get to work! Need an extra Expectations Form or Rubric? Extra documents can be found in the folder outside my door.

Class Notes and Studying   

Please take the time out of class to study for class. We create our journals to study, not to collect dust. If you are behind on notes/assignments, come see me so that we can arrange a time to catch you up...or if I'm too scary, seek a friends journal...whatever it takes to get the job done and be successful in this class!


Please replace supplies on a regular basis. We do so much in our journals that glue/tape, markers, and writing utinsils are constantly in use. No supplies = incompleted assignments = no study = bad grade = sad student/teacher
